HelixLib Blog

Tips, tricks, and the latest news from HelixLib

Factory Setlists

Ever wonder what changes in Factory Setlists from version to version?

Posted by HelixLib on 11/24/2023 12:14:00 PM

If you use the presets provided in the Factory 1 and Factory 2 setlists, you've probably wondered what's changed in those setlists after upgrading your Helix firmware. We've used the HelixLib Compare Presets functionality to produce a report of changes between versions of Factory 1 and Factory 2 setlists. Here are the resulting reports for the last 3 firmware updates:

We hope you find this fun and useful!

HelixLib Compatibility

Firmware Version 3.71 Is Now Supported!

Posted by HelixLib on 11/24/2023 12:00:00 PM

HelixLib now supports the Helix 3.71 firmware release.

3.70/3.71 Release

  • New models and settings released with 3.70

3.60 Release

  • New models and settings released with 3.60

3.50/3.51/3.52 Release

  • New models and settings released with 3.50/3.51/3.52

3.00/3.10/3.11 Release

  • New models and settings released with 3.00

2.92 Release

  • New models and settings released with 2.92
  • Support for impulse response waveform numbers
  • Simplified assignment of impulse responses to waveform numbers for the complete IR Library
  • Meta data and global settings added to the preset details page and output report

Who Can See My Presets?

HelixLib does not share your data

Posted by HelixLib on 2/7/2020 6:00:00 PM

HelixLib does not share your preset information and does not and will not give away or sell your presets or any other information created by you during your use of HelixLib.

When uploading your presets, HelixLib does not keep your preset as a separate file, but simply loads the data within the file into HelixLib data stores. HelixLib does not retain your preset file, only the data within. Therefore, we can not recover or rebuild your preset file (other than using the settings to create it from scratch).

We may occasionally include your data in summary level information that's presented on HelixLib. For example, on the Analytics page, the "Most Used Models By Category" data summarizes data from every preset loaded into HelixLib.

Your email address and password are used to protect the data within your presets. Please use complex passwords to help protect your information and do not share your password.