Unplugged? No problem!

HelixLib makes it easy to manage and analyze your Helix presets, settings and impulse response assignments.

Learn more »

HelixLib News

Factory Setlists
Factory Setlists

Ever wonder what changes in Factory Setlists from version to version?

HelixLib Compatibility
HelixLib Compatibility

Firmware Version 3.71 Is Now Supported!

Who Can See My Presets?
Who Can See My Presets?

HelixLib does not share your data

HelixLib - Your Preset Headquarters

HelixLib makes it easy to keep track of your presets, settings and impulse response assignments.

See your presets

See your presets in a whole new way! Simply upload your presets into HelixLib and their information is available anytime you have web access.

Presets »

Manage your IRs

If you're using IRs, you know the challenges of keeping your presets and IR index assignments in sync. Link your IRs and presets in HelixLib and let HelixLib do the work!

IRs »

Analyze your data

Need to quickly see everywhere you used a specific pedal, or find your favorite settings? HelixLib analyzes your presets and give you the answers you need.

Analytics »

Access Preset data without connecting

Presets can be complex, but viewing settings in HelixLib is easy.

  • View preset blocks and settings
  • Create an index of HelixLib presets
  • Easily compare settings across snapshots
  • Look up a setting from your phone or tablet

Bring clarity to Impulse Response assignments

HelixLib makes managing IR assignments easy.

  • Assign IRs to preset blocks and snapshots
  • Identify presets with unassigned IRs
  • List IRs required by Helix® IR Index
  • Identify IR conflicts

Use Analytics to achieve repeatable results

HelixLib helps you understand what makes presets great.

  • View statistics on your most used models
  • Compare model settings across presets
  • Identify setting changes within snapshots


HelixLib is currently available as a 12 month subscription.



  • Up to 10 Presets



  • Up to 500 Presets



  • Up to 1,200 Presets